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What is an Epoxy Flake System?

What is an Epoxy Flake System?

Many people may know about epoxy floors, as you may see them in garages, industrial buildings, and warehouses. But did you know that epoxy flake flooring systems are a perfect way to protect your garage, workshop, and basement floors? At EMC Concrete Coatings, Inc.,...

Add Beauty and Durability to Your Commercial Floors

Add Beauty and Durability to Your Commercial Floors

No matter what type of business you operate, you want your flooring to be both strong and attractive. Commercial floors often need to withstand constant foot traffic, heavy equipment and machinery, and harsh chemical spills. While traditional flooring materials, such...

Signs You Should Resurface Your Patio

Signs You Should Resurface Your Patio

Have you noticed signs of concrete patio damage? Even the best patio on your block could benefit from resurfacing with patio coatings. Read on to learn some common signs that indicate your concrete patio needs a facelift. 6 Signs You Need to Resurface Your Concrete...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Epoxy Flooring?

What Are the Pros and Cons of Epoxy Flooring?

There are countless pros and cons of epoxy flooring to consider. In fact, this material is becoming extremely popular among discerning customers, mainly for its durability and easy cleanup. Here is a breakdown from EMC Concrete Coatings Inc to help you decide whether...

Can Epoxy Flooring Be Applied In Cold Weather?

Can Epoxy Flooring Be Applied In Cold Weather?

With quality epoxy and an established plan, it is possible to apply an epoxy coating in cold weather. The benefits of slip-resistant epoxy flooring are well-established and can drastically improve a concrete floor with proper application. Working with epoxy in the...

Can You Add Decorative Flakes To One-Part Epoxy?

Can You Add Decorative Flakes To One-Part Epoxy?

Decorating your concrete floor makes it more attractive and can help with traction, making it safer to walk on. With a range of colors and styles of decorative flakes to work with, you can embellish your epoxy floor to your exact specifications. But can you add...

Is Epoxy Flake Flooring Smooth?

Is Epoxy Flake Flooring Smooth?

If you’re looking for highly durable flooring for your property, consider epoxy flake flooring. Epoxy flooring can withstand heavy foot traffic and high-weight loads. Its color also does not fade over time. Aside from these assets, epoxy flake flooring is trendy...

Epoxy Flooring Guide For Commercial Applications

Epoxy Flooring Guide For Commercial Applications

Commercial applications come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has its own unique needs. When it comes to flooring, epoxy flooring is a popular choice for many businesses. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of epoxy flooring for commercial applications,...

How To Choose The Best Epoxy Floor Coating

How To Choose The Best Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy coatings are a great way to protect your flooring from damage and give it a new lease of life. There are many different types of epoxy coatings available on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. In this blog post, we will discuss...

How Long Does Epoxy Flake Flooring Last?

How Long Does Epoxy Flake Flooring Last?

If you're looking for a flooring material that is durable, easy to care for, and looks great, then epoxy flake flooring may be the perfect option for you! This type of flooring comprises an epoxy resin and decorative flakes that give it a unique look. It can be used...

Do Epoxy Floors Scratch Easily?

Do Epoxy Floors Scratch Easily?

When it comes to floor coatings, epoxy is one of the most popular options. It has a sleek and shiny finish and is easy to maintain. However, some people are concerned that epoxy floors may scratch easily. In this blog post, we will explore the question of whether or...

How Durable Is Epoxy Flake Floor?

How Durable Is Epoxy Flake Floor?

Epoxy flake flooring is a popular choice for many businesses and homeowners. It is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. However, some people are unsure about whether or not it is worth the investment. In this blog post, we will discuss the...

What Is Rapid Cure Epoxy and How Is It Beneficial?

What Is Rapid Cure Epoxy and How Is It Beneficial?

Epoxy is a material that has become increasingly popular in the home improvement and construction industries in recent years. Epoxy is available in both liquid and solid form, and it coats or seals a variety of surfaces. There are many different types of epoxy...

How To Maintain Your Polyurea Concrete Coatings

How To Maintain Your Polyurea Concrete Coatings

Polyurea coatings are a great way to protect your concrete surfaces. They provide a durable, water-resistant barrier that can keep your surfaces looking good for years. However, like all coatings, polyurea coatings require regular maintenance in order to stay in good...

Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Flooring For Facilities

Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Flooring For Facilities

Sustainable and eco-friendly flooring is becoming more popular as facility owners become more mindful of the environment. There are many benefits to using sustainable and eco-friendly flooring, including reducing energy consumption, protecting natural resources, and...

How Epoxy Flooring Is Beneficial For Commercial Spaces

How Epoxy Flooring Is Beneficial For Commercial Spaces

If you're looking for a flooring option that is both durable and stylish, epoxy flooring may be the perfect choice for your commercial space. Epoxy floors are resistant to damage and easy to clean, making them the ideal choice for busy areas. They are customizable to...

Does Epoxy Make Concrete Waterproof?

Does Epoxy Make Concrete Waterproof?

Epoxy is a popular coating and sealant protecting concrete surfaces from water damage. It is known for its durability and resistance to moisture, making it an ideal choice for waterproofing concrete. In this article, we will discuss the properties of Epoxy, how it...

How Do You Clean Your Industrial Epoxy Floor?

How Do You Clean Your Industrial Epoxy Floor?

If you have an industrial epoxy floor, then you know how important it is to keep it clean. A clean floor looks good, but it also helps to protect the surface of your floor from damage. This blog post will discuss the best way to clean your industrial epoxy floor. In...

Why You Need Epoxy Floors For Your Garage

Why You Need Epoxy Floors For Your Garage

Your garage is an important place in your home. You can park your vehicles there, store boxes, set up a home gym, or even a man cave. Regardless of what you choose to do with your garage, you will want to take care of it and ensure it's in good condition. So, when...

Is Concrete Resurfacing Worth It

Is Concrete Resurfacing Worth It

Typically, homeowners expect that concrete will last them a long time. However, many find the concrete in their home wearing down or cracking within years. Damaged concrete can negatively affect a home's aesthetic and drive down value. Most people believe they need to...

Countertop Resurfacing with Metallic Epoxy

Countertop Resurfacing with Metallic Epoxy

Did you know that you don’t need to replace your stained, chipped, cracked, scratched, or discolored kitchen countertops? Countertop resurfacing is a cost-effective way to restore and transform your worn and unsightly kitchen space. There are many options for...

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